Friday, November 1, 2013

Right Face For The Job

Just returned from Dover Air Force Base in Delaware where I interviewed several workers who are passionate about their jobs.  One of them, Jennifer Vallee, is the Chief of Community Relations at the base.  When I got home and reviewed my photos I thought; Jennifer has the perfect face for her job --  warm, kind, approachable, etc.

So what about your face and mine.  In general has our face qualified or disqualified us from careers we wanted?  Good looks are typically an asset, but would you be comfortable  having someone who looks like Pamela Anderson operate on your brain?  Does someone less attractive get pushed to the back of the line when applying for a job as a flight attendant?  Do looks really matter no matter how passionate one is about their career path?

I think so and am going to pay more attention to that as a factor when I do future interviews for the book I'm writing on Passionate Workers.

'Till then don't forget to floss.  Our teeth evoke an instant message when folks meet us.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Ready Fire Aim

Time to launch:

This is my first blog, on this site.  A practice shot if you will.

This blog will be covering the topic of worker passion and how passion in our career promises ultimate job performance.

Taking off in three days for a mid-west tour to start doing in-person interviews from all kinds of folks EXCEPT celebrities and CEO's.  Everyone writes about their opinions and yet that represents the opinion of less than one in 10,000 of us.

Hope this works,

Professor Passion